Lie defined as "an intentionally false statement" by Google.A pretty straight 4 word definition of 3 letter word, ain't it? So intentionally stating a false statement is a lie. A lie has become a habit of many in these days. These lies vary from a smallest size to largest magnitude. Think about it what forces us to lie? Situations? Greed? Insecurity? Fear? Inferiority? Yes, you can list out a score reasons you would think are good enough for you to lie. Our whole life is a decision of whether to lie or to speak the truth and most of the times we know what wins the race. So lie, is it just speaking out the false? Well if you think so then it is least bothering for us, but the science has other results to speak of. Well lying is a lot of hard work, if you didn't know. It takes more memory in our brain. We need to remember all the cooked up stories when we are lying so as to get away from being caught and that certainly is more effort then speaking the truth. Lies can ...